Happy New Year 2018

Photo credit: Unsplash, Annie Spratt

Happy New Year to one and all. I really do hope this is a joy-filled, healthy, prosperous year for all.

During the past few weeks approaching the new year, I have become self-reflecting. I love to read. I love to write. I love to do needle art. I turn 68 this month. I am not young, however, I am not feeling old either. I realize that I am considered an elder. I need to share what I have learned over the years, some stories, and some experiences.

I am back. This blog has been around for awhile. I have written on it inconsistently in the past. I feel the pull to get back to it.  I write quite frequently but have not posted here. I am sorry for my lack of sharing. So much goes on in life day by day. But, it is the same for all of us. It is easy to make excuses. There really are none. It is probably the idea of sharing that causes me the most problems. Perhaps I feel that what I write is not ready to post yet and then it becomes too late or forgotten about. Continue reading “Happy New Year 2018”

Needlework for the Soul

hand sewn quilt
I have been working on this for months. It is all hand sewn.

“Needlework for the Soul” – Has some form of needle art ever helped you? Do you have a story you can share with us? If you do and it is chosen to add to our book Needlework for the Soul, you will receive a free copy of the book.
We would love to hear your experience. Share what you can. We believe that you might be an inspiration to someone else who might relate and decide to sew, quilt, knit, embroider or whatever. You can include your name, or you can choose to be anonymous. Perhaps use your initials and your state/province/country. Continue reading “Needlework for the Soul”

What Topics Do You Want me to Write About Concerning the Needle-arts?

2015-03-31 14.32.53

I Would like to Celebrate Needle-Art! I know what I am interested in but, I need to know what I should write. What do you want to read?

Continue reading “What Topics Do You Want me to Write About Concerning the Needle-arts?”

I want to quilt! What next?

2015-10-29 16.04.12

Quilting is one of my favorite activities. Quilting is incredibly creative. The word “quilt”  derives from the Latin word “culcita” which means a sack stuffed with feathers, wool or hair used as a covering for warmth. Quilting was used as a means of survival for either blocking out the rays of the sun In Egypt during the time of the Pharaohs or for blocking out the cold and retaining body heat in China, India and Greece. Crusaders were quilting undergarments in the eleventh century. Survival quilting surfaced in the thirteenth and fourteenth century in Europe. It is well documented in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in North America, and we carry on today, both for functional and decorative purposes.

So what do I need to get started?

Continue reading “I want to quilt! What next?”

My Vision for Success and How I’m Going To Move Foreward To Make It A reality

I have dissatisfaction. I have a new vision for the future. Now, I have developed the first steps toward my successful blog, books, and website.

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